Community Church holds Ministry Fair

Carol Thompson

Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) ministry teams held its annual fair to demonstrate all the opportunities our congregation has to spread the love of God throughout the surrounding community.

Several tables were available with representatives from each group to discuss all the benefits they have to offer and sign-up sheets were there to ask others in the church family to participate.

Some of the committees available that day were the following:

Missions—who arrange for distribution of funds to various charitable organizations in our community, nation and the world.

Women’s Ministry and Bible Studies—who provide biblical teaching and assistance for the women of SaddleBrooke and surrounding areas.

In Touch Ministry—where monthly coordinators respond to real needs such as providing meals, driving to appointments, grocery shopping, running errands and providing medical equipment from our inventory at the Parish House.

GriefShare Ministry—meets to offer education and support to each other during holidays and every day.

Usher/Greeter Committee—they coordinate scheduling the ushers and greeters for our Sunday service.

Prayer Team—folks gather once a month in prayer for the church family and special individual needs as they arise.

This is a brief sampling of the many active groups within our community. There is something for everyone at CCSB where we meet every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke DesertView Theater. We are an all-denominational Christian Church and all are welcome.