Photo by Terry Caldwell

Photo by Terry Caldwell
Terry Caldwell
The SaddleBrooke Coin Club held its annual Coin Show on April 8 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Sonoran Room of the MountainView clubhouse. They again took part in Easter festivities with various educational displays and activities especially for kids. As an incentive to get youth interested in coin collecting, actual free money was given to children in attendance! For the adults attending, there were opportunities to view collections and interact with SB Coin Club members to buy, sell, or trade numismatic items.
Our local show preceded the 2023 National Coin Week being held this year from April 16 through 22. This year’s American Numismatic Association theme is “Our Money, Our Heritage, Our America” and will recognize 2023 as the 100th annual/centennial coin week celebration! Events throughout the nation will feature how designs on U.S. coins and paper money commemorate notable people, events, accomplishments, and shared principles. A focus will be on how money tells the story of our nation and helps form our national identity.
The SaddleBrooke Coin Club meetings are held monthly (except June, July, and August) on the second Thursday in the Sonoran Room of the MountainView clubhouse from 6 to 8 p.m. An educational presentation is the highlight of each meeting. In February, club founder Ken Marich spoke on the role scrip (a substitute or alternative to legal tender) played during the heyday of U.S. company towns, dating back to the 1800s. The topic for the March 9 meeting was on elongated cents, aka pressed pennies. Meetings are open to all SaddleBrooke residents. For additional information, contact SB Coin Club President Terry Caldwell at tjcaldw@gmail.com or call 719-246-1822.