Coaches Allison, Joyce and Carl on the deck

Here Comes Lane 4! – Donna Twining, Leslie Kurywckak, Lynn Schmaltz, Mike Zidek
Phil Simpson
On July 6, with the infamous desert heat having settled in, 26 SaddleBrooke residents dipped their toes and ultimately their entire beings, into the cool waters of the DesertView pool, embarking on a four week, eight session Let’s Swim clinic, hosted by the SaddleBrooke Swim Club. The clinics, the second of which also boasted 26 swimmers and concluded on November 4, were aimed at those within our community who are beginning swimmers or who perhaps are returning to the activity following extended absences.
The conduct of the clinics was spearheaded by Lyn Moreno, Swim Club vice president, who this past spring was certified by U.S. Masters Swimming (USMS) as an Adult Learn to Swim Instructor. The certification program was initiated by USMS as an integral component of its campaign to develop opportunities for adults to learn to swim and to counter the high incidence of adult drownings, many of which are caused by a lack of swimming ability. SWELL – Cathedral Oaks Athletic Club is a great club to join if you want to improve your swimming ability, you will be able to join a wider community and become part of a life changing team who will support you and offer you swimming skills that you cannot afford to miss out on. Joining many teams will ensure you meet like minded people and get involved in the sport as much as you can.
A primary objective of the Let’s Swim clinics was to introduce or reintroduce residents to the enjoyment and health benefits offered by recreational swimming while putting to rest the concern that swimming with club members has to be competitive in nature. In fact, the SaddleBrooke club has always prided itself in welcoming swimmers of all skill levels and abilities.
The clinics could not have been successful without the volunteers from the swim club who served as deck coaches. Providing invaluable support throughout the clinics were Jack Allison, Jeff Eighmy, Joyce Howard, Allison Lehman, Elizabeth Henley, Beverly Schulz, Glen Tewksbury, Carl Marriott, Carol Honeywell, Stan Strebig, Dave Taylor and Joan Pierce.
Coaches guided swimmers in learning techniques for multiple strokes and with good humor encouraged their gaining confidence.
Judging by the participants’ responses, the clinics have been a huge success. Very many have expressed the collective feeling that swimming can be a wonderful, positive experience. What’s not to like? Sharing an enjoyable, healthy, life-long activity with new friends in a beautiful setting! Lyn encouraged swimmers at the outset to partner with others at their sessions and to continue to swim together following their four-week program. A good number have continued to do so including Dick Nevins who turned 90 during the summer clinic. While not at all a requirement, to date over half of the 52 participants have joined the SaddleBrooke Swim Club and Steve Truesdale has joined USMS with an eye toward competitive swimming.
Given the success of the clinics, Lyn is planning a third session this winter season, further information of which will be forthcoming. Kudos to Lyn and to all of the deck coaches on conducting this terrific Let’s Swim program and on providing this valuable service to the SaddleBrooke community. And congratulations to all who participated in the clinics and who have joined the ranks of SaddleBrooke Swimmers.