Moonlight on Saguaro

Desert Beauty
Karen Brungardt
Art classes have resumed in the Topaz room with the proper precautions of social distancing, masks, and hand sanitizer. Please see below for the upcoming scheduled classes.
Any of Karen Brungardt’s classes can be taken online from the comfort of your own home while she is teaching in the Topaz room. Please indicate on your registration form if you will attend in person or by Zoom (so you can receive the invitation before the class).
Beginning Watercolor with Karen Brungardt
Thursdays, Feb. 11, 18
9 a.m. to noon
All levels: cost $160
In-person at the Topaz room and also simultaneously available online.
Class recording available to students for one month after class finishes.
Ready to learn watercolor basics? This class is for anyone interested in learning how to paint in watercolor. It is designed for people who have never picked up a watercolor brush, for people who are returning to watercolor after many years away, or people interested in finding out if they want to be a watercolor artist.
Email: kekb67@gmail.com
Abstract with a Flair of Realism in Acrylic with Francheska
Tuesdays, Feb. 16, 23
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
All levels: cost: $150
Pictures of animals for three paintings
Bring three canvases to fit animal shapes.
Fish, 10” X 20”, Cat 20” X 20”, Horse, 16” x 24”
Also bring your lunch.
Email: francheskaa312@gmail.com
Iris Watercolor Portrait with Renee Pearson
Wednesday, Feb. 24
9 a.m. to noon
All levels: cost $35
We will discuss the form of the iris and learn to paint the fold and ruffles in which each petal is affected by the sun, shade, and shadows.
The painting will be done using glazing which involves the application of thin layers of transparent color, one layer over another.
If we have time, we will work on the background by mingling various colors which relate to the iris. It should be fun and I look forward to working with you.
Email: reneepearson40057@yahoo.com
Landscapes in Watercolor with Karen Brungardt
Thursdays, Feb. 25, March 4, 11, 18
9 a.m. to noon
Beginner to intermediate: cost $120
In-person at the Topaz room and also simultaneously available online.
Class recording available to students for one month after class finishes.
Welcome to the world of watercolor landscapes! In this exciting class, you’ll learn how to tie the sky, the distant ground, middle ground, and foreground together. You’ll learn how to choose and develop your focal point. This is a four-week class so we can really explore all the elements of a successful landscape painting or two (maybe three if we’re lucky!) This class is geared toward beginners and intermediate students.
Email: kekb67@gmail.com
Moon Over the Lake with Karen Brungardt
Tuesday, March 2
9 a.m. to noon
All levels: cost $35
In-person at the Topaz room and also simultaneously available online.
Class recording available to students for one month after class finishes.
In this class, you will learn how to paint a night scene featuring the full moon. We will start with a lake scene and, if there’s time, we’ll do one with saguaros in the moonlight.
Email: kekb67@gmail.com
Contact Robbie Summers at 520-818-0817 to register or check our website at www.saddlebrookefinearts.org for more information on our classes and to print your registration form.