Chit, Chat and Chow!

Members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club enjoyed dinner at the Olive Garden on November 10.

Members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club enjoyed dinner at the Olive Garden on November 10.

Dorothy Wood

It’s an understatement to say that we in the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club love line dancing. On a weekly basis, we can dance over 15 hours at various club sessions. In the pyramid of priorities, line dancing falls somewhere between food and shelter. But even the most diehard dancers, at some point, need to stop spinning, stop counting from one to eight, and face the home wall. It’s time to remove the suede-bottomed shoes and give the dogs a break. It’s time to refuel. And refuel we did on November 10 as 13 dancers headed to the Olive Garden for some “Chit, Chat and Chow.” The dancers were set up in a quiet corner of the restaurant which was perfect for relaxing, eating delicious food and getting to know our fellow dancers a little better. It was especially nice to get acquainted with some of our newest dancers in the club who are completing our Novice/Beginners lessons. Chit, Chat and Chow was such a success that it will become a monthly tradition, in months where we don’t have a line dance party. So, mark your calendars dancers and come lunch like nobody’s watching!

You don’t need 15 hours per week to enjoy line dancing. You can start with just two easy hours at our instructional Tuesday Level 1 Workshop which is held from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in the Vermilion Room; or drop in to our Wednesday Level 1 program from 10:00 a.m.-noon at the Mt. View Ballroom. Times and places will vary over the upcoming holidays so please check our website at and click on “Calendar” for the latest updates.

Looking for a gift that keeps on giving this Christmas? Join the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club for just $10 and enjoy line dancing all year long in 2015. Contact Treasurer Judy Saks at 225-0040. See you on the dance floor!