Pinky did it! Who would have thought that sweet Pinky Zinfandel, as played by Community Circle Players’ Connie Ward, was a murderess?! So many others had reasons to kill Pierre Pinot Noir! But about a third of audience members at February’s performances of Eat, Drink and Be Deadly! handed in accusation slips fingering Pinky. Wine prizes were awarded to the cleverest sleuths who also guessed her motive; photo by Steve Weiss.
Karen Schickedanz
The reviews are in and it’s a “thumbs up” for Eat, Drink and Be Deadly!, the first production of SaddleBrooke’s new theater company, Community Circle Players.
The dinner mystery play was presented in February and ticket demand was so strong that a third night of performances was added at both HOA 1 and HOA 2 to accommodate the eventual total audience of 882 people. Each of the six performances was virtually sold out.
Susan Sterling, co-producer of the show, along with Shawne Cryderman, said they were “so pleased and, frankly, blown away by some of the wonderful comments we have received about the play, the concept and the food.”
Typical of audience comments was one from a woman who said the performances were “very impressive, professional level, staying in character, great costumes, pacing—. All your hard work was worth it!”
Leah Kari, whose husband Ron played the murdered Pierre Pinot Noir, attended every performance and said, “SaddleBrooke residents love to get together and the meals and lovely table settings set the scene. No one—had anything negative (to say) about the food, the presentation, the selection or the price. In fact, they were glad to have the entertainment presented in such a novel way.
“Please do more plays of this nature—-drink, eat-, and guess who dun it! People loved the jokes, characterizations and conversations around the play and paced dinner service—. The props, decorations, costumes and sound supported the play perfectly.”
Both HOAs were revenue beneficiaries, with profits from the show to be used for additional sound and lighting equipment as well as seed money for future productions.
Shawne, who also directed Eat, Drink and Be Deadly! while Susan acted as M.C., said that both clubhouses were so enthused about the reaction and the results that CCP has already been invited back for 2018.
“CCP will definitely be producing another mystery theater in both venues,” she said. “The mystery of what show will be produced, who will be the producer, who will direct the production and exactly when the show will take place is—a mystery for now.”
All will be revealed over the course of the coming months!