Category: Features

Word of the Month: Gerund

David Zapatka Reader Luz Stella Perotti wrote, “I had a SPLENDID time reading that one (Splendor). It is one of my favorite words.” While reading a fiction writers evaluation team’s comments about what makes a story successful, I came across these sentences, “Successful: tight writing, sharp dialogue, creative use of language, vivid imagery, a surprising…

What Do You Say to a Gold Star Mom?

Kathy Sinnott How often do we see heroes wearing insignias or uniforms that identify one’s service in the military or other hero profession? How often do we then congratulate and thank them for their service? For the Gold Star Moms who wear the Gold Star lapel pin, it’s of the utmost importance to approach them…

Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

Suzanne Marlatt Stewart The holiday season can bring mixed emotions for many. For some, it’s their favorite time of year. For others, it brings feelings of sadness and loss. Seeing old friends and family members may be exciting or may bring up memories of disappointments. Feeling depressed or anxious is not unusual during the holiday…

Spotlight on Advertiser: Oracle Eye Physicians

We rebranded as Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons to better reflect our commitment to clarity, trusted expertise, and guiding Tucson toward the right care and solutions for their vision. For nearly 40 years, Fishkind, Bakewell, Maltzman, Hunter & Associates has grown both in size and capability. While we’ve expanded our team and locations to better…

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy Holidays!

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg Gift wish list options for the season this year—perhaps some of these might be on your holiday gift list, including: • An unlimited gift card from AJ’s Fine Foods (free delivery); • A certificate of guarantee that you will no longer receive robocalls on your cell phone; • A worker bee…