Category: October 2016

The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies

Mark Schwartz The High Holidays are behind us, but as we progress through 5777, how will we match religious participation and personal satisfaction with our hopes and intentions for the new year? At SaddleBrooke the Institute makes it easy to participate, especially when it’s with friends who share common interests and lifestyle. The Institute provides…

Two years for Resurrection Church

Pat and Pastor Wayne Viereck

David Stanard It is two years since Resurrection Church came to our community and in the course of those two years a mature congregation has emerged. Today there is a full schedule of Bible studies; a strong, large and vibrant choir; a burgeoning women’s program; a full cadre of pastors who assume the pulpit on…

Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Community Church

Chris Collins of Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Dick Kroese Community Church of SaddleBrooke (CCSB) was honored and privileged to have Chris Collins from Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) deliver an inspiring message in August. FCA is touching millions of lives right here in Tucson and their motto is “One Heart at a Time.” Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes…

Exercise is really good for you… until it’s not!

Joe Pinella You’ve heard the benefits of exercise: A fit and healthy body, reduced risk of cardio-vascular disease and other diseases of aging, weight control, improved mood, more energy, better sleep—the list goes on. If doctors could prescribe this in a pill form, then exercise would be the most effective medication in the history of…

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Louise Grabell Trees are beautiful additions to any landscape! They provide privacy and protection from the summer heat. Fall is a great time to plant a tree. The temperatures are cooler, both day and night, and the soil is still moist from the summer monsoon rains. Besides, it’s so much easier to dig that hole…

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Melody Kitty

Hey big dog lovers—Doc Holiday still needs a family. Doc is two years old and 50 pounds with lots of energy. Jay Smith, dog trainer extraordinaire, confirmed he can be introduced to other dogs. Jay even offered several free training sessions at his facility. We want to keep him out of the shelter. He loves…

Keep the brain smart with exercise

Susan Dawson Cook Have you misplaced the car keys again? Do you desperately wish you could halt this frustrating cognitive decline? Look no further than the nearest fitness center. Elizabeth Agnvall’s article entitled Keep Your Brain Young by Staying Fit in the September, 2016 AARP Bulletin discusses the role of exercise in brain health. Every study confirmed…

This I have learned…

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg The sign in front of the Space Mountain ride in the Magic Kingdom theme park read: If you have high blood pressure, neck or back problems it is recommended that you do not go on this ride. But my brother said that it would be fun and, besides, the sign was…