Category: Religion

10th Anniversary of SaddleBrooke Resurrection Church

On Sunday, Sept. 22, Resurrection at SaddleBrooke will celebrate its 10th anniversary in SaddleBrooke. The church was founded when some SaddleBrooke residents wanted a second place to attend services in the community. Pastor Al Jensen and the church council at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Oro Valley were asked, and they agreed to sponsor a satellite…

Welcome Rabbi Daniel Price!

We are delighted to welcome Rabbi Daniel “Danny” Price to Congregation B’nai Midbar. Rabbi Daniel “Danny” Price received his Rabbinic Ordination from the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York. He has over two decades of experience as a rabbi, educator, and cantorial soloist. With a B.A. in music/communications from Plattsburgh State University and a…

B’nai Midbar Upcoming Events

High Holy Day services will be officiated by Rabbi Daniel Price. Participating in the delivery of the services are our exceptional professionals Eliyanah Powers, cantorial soloist, and Dr. Joshua Nichols, accompanist. We are honored to have Stephen Beecher, cellist, perform “Kol Nidre” (“All Vows”) at the Yom Kippur evening service. Tashlich service will be on…