Category: September 2024

Silversmithing and Lapidary Club

Bob Hutton For many years now, the SaddleBrooke Silversmithing and Lapidary Club (SSLC) has been a welcoming group to offer a comfortable environment for creating and learning. Available on Wednesdays and Fridays in the Turquoise Room at the MountainView complex, this group is enjoying the arts and crafts creation lifestyle for its members. Seriously beautiful…

B’nai Midbar Upcoming Events

High Holy Day services will be officiated by Rabbi Daniel Price. Participating in the delivery of the services are our exceptional professionals Eliyanah Powers, cantorial soloist, and Dr. Joshua Nichols, accompanist. We are honored to have Stephen Beecher, cellist, perform “Kol Nidre” (“All Vows”) at the Yom Kippur evening service. Tashlich service will be on…

Word of the Month: Equipoise

David Zapatka While attending the Theosophical Society Convention in Wheaton, Ill., this summer, I saw one of the presenters use the word “equipoise” in his presentation. The usage of the word described a relationship balance between two philosophical thoughts. Equipoise—equi·poise noun 1. A state of equilibrium 2. Counterbalance 3. Balance of forces or interests verb…

Family Circus

Linda Rosenkrans In a bustling three-ring circus, the family takes the stage, A menagerie of pets and kids, in a chaotic rage. The ex-wife on one side, the ex-husband on the other, With their families in tow, each one like no other. A lioness barks orders, fierce and unyielding, While a clown prince juggles, smiles…