Category: September 2024

What Gets You Out of Bed Each Morning?

Wanda Bailey, President-Elect, Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke Many of us are retired or nearing retirement. As we end our working years, we create plans to make sure our financial resources are adequate. However, did we also consider how to spend our newly found free time? Healthy aging requires having purpose—a reason to get up each…

Great Decisions 2025 Program

Barb Schaepe SaddleBrooke Great Decisions is looking forward to its 2025 program beginning in January and running through April. Meetings are held on Mondays from 3 to 5 p.m. in the MountainView East Ballroom, typically twice each month. Exact dates, topics, and presenters are expected to be finalized and communicated in November. SaddleBrooke Great Decisions…

Square Dancing Is Uniquely American

Mary Klootwyk Swing your partner and do-si-do. September is National Square Dance Month. Like the culture it came from, square dance has roots in European, Native American, and African practices. Square dancing sounds like something out of Little House on the Prairie but, in truth, square dancing has been a part of American entertainment for…

Jewish Friendship Group Fall Events

Marsha Mantykow The end of summer was officially celebrated with a wonderful cocktail party at the MountainView Bar & Grill. With drinks of various kinds in hand, more than 35 members of both the Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) and B’nai Midbar spent the evening mingling with friends. It was a pleasure to welcome new members…

SaddleBrooke Book Clubs

Sharon Scanlan For centuries, book clubs have been a social gathering to discuss books of many genres. Some clubs have serious literary or nonfiction discussions, and many read popular authors. All clubs discuss books that the members think will be interesting and generate a stimulating discussion. Seven years ago, we started a SaddleBrooke Book Club…

Subgroup Kickoffs at the Garden Club

Mary Jane Wilson and Gail Bohlman The new SaddleBrooke Gardening Club (SBGC) is organized into four subgroups: Vegetable/Herb, Flower/Roses, Citrus/Fruit Trees, and Cactus/Succulents/Other. Initial subgroup meetings were held in August where like-minded gardeners started forming connections, learning from each other’s experiences, and suggesting future subgroup activities, including home garden tours, presentations, and field trips. Some…

Genealogy Club Fall Schedule

Laurence Edralin Summer has been fun for our Genealogy Club members and friends/guests. Workshops were conducted where individuals could meet directly with more experienced members and work with their own family trees. We return to regular meetings in October. A special trip is planned to the largest genealogy library in Arizona, the West Valley Genealogical…