Category: Religion

Fall Bible Study begins Oct. 10

Beth Moore

Terry Barringer The Women’s Ministry of the Community Church at SaddleBrooke invites you to join us for our fall Bible Study of 2 Timothy. This video presentation by popular Bible study teacher Beth Moore is an interactive personal study and group discussion program. The prominent theme of Entrusted is mentoring as revealed in Apostle Paul’s…

Resurrection Church resumes Men’s Breakfasts

Men’s Breakfasts committee members

David Stanard It’s Men’s Breakfasts time again at Resurrection Church. The first breakfast in a season that extends from October through May will be Saturday, October 7. The time is 7:30 a.m., and the location is the Outreach Center at the main campus in Oro Valley. The breakfasts are a popular activity and are very…

News from the Institute

The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies is proud to sponsor for the 15th consecutive year High Holy Day services in SaddleBrooke. Leading services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are Rabbi Sanford Seltzer and Cantorial Soloist Sarah Boltt, with accompanist Carolyn Cochran. Members of the community also participate in services through readings, aliyot, blowing…

New milestone for Resurrection Church

Pastor Roger and Sue Pierce

David Stanard Mid-September marks three years since Resurrection Church held its first service in SaddleBrooke. The slightly over 100 attendees that first Sunday has now grown to right at 250 during the peak SaddleBrooke season, and the church long ago moved from one service year-round to two services November through April and one service May…

Faith Based GriefShare Group begins in October

Part of the CCSB GriefShare Team: Susan Rajca, Cari and Bruce Block

Cari Block Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one is entering one of the most difficult life experiences. Long after the memorial service and burial, there are emotional, practical and spiritual issues to deal with. There are different stages of healing that can go on for years. Once again, Community Church at…

Want to explore and understand Bible Scripture?

Paul Vincent Volpe Wanting to explore and understand Bible Scripture? If so, join our group, the Men’s Bible Study (MBS), here in SaddleBrooke. Would you like to study the Bible, interact and enjoy Christian fellowship with other men? Our MBS meets every Friday from 9:00–10:30 a.m. through May. We will meet June through September informally…