Category: Features

Demo Day 2 of cross training smorgasbord

Participants stepped out of their comfortable exercise box to cross train.

Susan Dawson-Cook Vital Moves hosted a three-day, free class extravaganza at the HOA 1 Fitness Center June 15 through 17. Participating members were urged to step out of their comfortable exercise box to cross train with some different class formats. Nearly 300 members participated in the dozens of classes held over the course of the…

In Passing Submission Information…

The SaddleBrooke Progress accepts obituaries and photos for publication in the “In Passing” column of the SaddleBrooke Progress monthly. Please limit the obituary to 300 words or less and submit it and a photo (if you have one) by email to or by mail to  SaddleBrooke Progress  9532 E Riggs Rd, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248 or drop…

Spotlight in SaddleBrooke – Loretta Tom

Loretta Tom

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg The 10-inch deep gash in Loretta’s thigh is a constant reminder of the day she was hit by shrapnel as she and her family members were running from the Japanese Army. Loretta’s story could have been much more tragic – she could have lost her leg – but circumstances brought her…

In Passing

Jayme Berg at SaddleBrooke

Jayme Berg was born to Tyko and Ruth Berg in Bellingham, Washington, on June 28, 1927. He passed away in Tucson on Memorial Day, 2016. Jayme is survived by his wife Carolyn, daughter Susan, step-daughters Renee and Sheryl, grandsons Tom, Dominic, Dante, Alex and Stephen, granddaughters Rebecca and Ally and four great grandchildren. Jayme was…

New to you

Ron, the handyman

Betsy Lowry Yep, that is what the Golden Goose fashion show is all about. On September 12 at 3:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom, the Golden Goose will be putting on a fashion show at the opening General Meeting Program of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach. This is the third show we have done and it has…

Artist of The Month

Barbara Leightenheimer with her oil-on-canvas painting, Going my way—March.

LaVerne Kyriss A teacher by trade and a life-long student, Barbara Leightenheimer served as the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild’s first president. “The guild was already in place when we moved here, but it wasn’t a formal club. I’d joined and the group decided I had the right skills and credentials as both an art educator…

Senior Village at SaddleBrooke: Neighbors helping Neighbors

A dream, a vision, a reality Sandy Morse When two SaddleBrooke gentlemen got together several months ago and shared a couple of beers, the discussion turned toward the many needs that SaddleBrooke residents were now starting to face. Illness, surgery, disability, inability to drive and dealing with the death of a spouse were just some…

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Calliope needs a home.

SaddleBrooke to the rescue Leslie Rocco There’s never a shortage of Good Samaritans in SaddleBrooke! Margaret Walker found this sweetie hiding in her cactus. Afraid and hot, this kitty was saved from potential death. There are two parts to every rescue. First, the pet needs saved, vetted and fostered. Thanks to Margaret, Diana Steinke of…

2 Your Health: Seniors benefit from chiropractic care

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the SaddleBrooke Progress dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…

Communication Today

Summer Sports Q: I love sports – especially baseball! Can you please tell me what sports offerings are available on Orbitel TV? A: Certainly! Orbitel has your front row ticket every game day! Orbitel members can follow the majority of Arizona Diamondbacks games on Fox Sports Arizona! The July 10 game against San Francisco is…