Category: June 2024

Saying Goodbye to Winter, SBWGA Style!

Ret Convey Our SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association (SBWGA) players were overjoyed to put away long underwear, ear muffs, and hand warmers and welcome beautiful weather for our spring kick-off tournament: the Member/Member. May 6 and 7 were two beautiful days for the ladies to play golf with one another and enjoy a delicious lunch of…

MPWGA Coyote Classic

Denise Cashmore MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) held their annual Coyote Classic Golf Event on May 7. This event was co-chaired by Dawn Roarty and Connie Maslowski and sponsored by Coyote Golf Cars (of course). More than 60 MPWGA members picked their partner to make a two-person team. Ladies checked in at The Preserve Golf…

SaddleBrooke Singles Laugh at Chili Potluck

Lori Anderson More than 50 members of the SaddleBrooke Singles Club enjoyed chili and other victuals on April 15 at SaddleBrooke One’s Activity Center. Besides the usual accompaniments to chili (cornbread, chips, and salsa), club members provided alternatives to chili, side dishes, and desserts. There were plenty of delicious calories to go around. Chili was…

It’s a New Generation of Dancing!

Dancers from SaddleBrooke Squares Dance Club traveled to Yuma, Ariz., to attend the annual Yuma Square Dance Festival held on Feb. 16-18, 2024. More than 140 people danced to two well-known and popular callers from California, Buddy Weaver and Ken Bowers. Dancers had a chance to meet up with old friends and make new friends.…

Genealogy Club’s Summer Schedules

Laurence Edralin Starting in June, the club switches to a workshop environment where members and guests bring their laptops to the sessions. They work with the club’s experienced researchers on their own projects. It can be one-on-one or small groups learning from club experts working on their own family trees. There will be no meeting…

Move Those Feet to a Bachata Beat

Vivian Herman Bachata is a style of dance and music that originated from the Dominican Republic. In addition to being known for its romantic melodies, guitar-based rhythms, and sensual dance moves, bachata has gained popularity over the years because it’s pretty easy to learn. Join your fellow SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club (SBDC) members this July…

When Life Speaks, WOOO Listens

Dee Berisha A lovely May day took nine WOOO (Women On Our Own) ladies to see an exhibit at Tucson Botanical Gardens. The exhibit of interest was called Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea. The impact that this exhibit had on each of the women was nothing short of inspiring. Sculptures of marine life,…

Helping Hands

Judi Saks SaddleBrookers are fortunate to have so many clubs and activities available to us in our community. There is something for everybody, regardless of their interests. But the one thing essential for the existence of every one of these organizations is volunteers. The SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club is no exception. Three important tasks that…

Metaphysical Explorations Presents Two Outstanding Programs in June

Lauren Hoover-West The SaddleBrooke Metaphysical Club presents nationally acclaimed Jeanne Lyons who will give a two-hour workshop on past life regression! She will teach you all about past lives and how they influence us today. In addition, she’ll do lots of interactive exercises to help you learn more about yourself and connect the dots and…

Jewish Friendship Group Bringing People Together

Marsha Mantykow The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) has been busy with a full calendar of events to keep everyone connected. The Spring 2024 Potluck was a huge success. Held in the Activity Center, it was a wonderful opportunity for both new and current members to get together over a delicious variety of our favorite Jewish…