On Sunday, April 19, 2015, Bill Cossari got a hole-in-one on hole number 17 at MountainView to the delight of his playing partners Mike and Marsha Thompson and his wife Kathy. It was Bill’s second hole-in-one (both at MountainView). The foursome celebrated after the round at MountainView. v
Category: Sports
Sports, May 2015
Verde Sputters news
Trudy Rossi April 6 was the always popular annual Verde Sputters Fun Day with a Hawaiian theme. Mahalo many times over to Diana Carbone and her committee members, Sheila Abraham, Patsy Chase, Deborah Gryniewicz, Mary Kopp and Pat Somerhalder, for the outstanding job. High ho’onani (praise) to Deborah for designing, building and operating the mini-volcano…