Category: April 2017

Knit Wits hosts baby shower

Beth Bradford, Georgiann Schwetz and Dianne Resseguie admire one table of baby donations.

Carol Chiarello Our sixth annual SaddleBrooke Troop Support Baby Shower was held in February. Knit Wits members were very busy knitting and crocheting items for the baby baskets that would be created for Tucson military families. Georgiann Schwetz coordinated this event along with Beth Bradford, Chairman of SaddleBrooke Troop Support. Our items included 75 blankets,…

Metaphysical Study Group

Julie Goodman Douglas Stewart, SaddleBrooke resident, will share for our May 10 meeting his experience and lessons from walking on fire! The presentation will be in the HOA 1 Activities Center (64518 E. Galveston) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk 12 feet on burning coals?…

The Sharkettes of SaddleBrooke

Left to right: Darlene Morris, Nancy Barrett, Jan Stebbins, Rita “I’m Back” Giammarino, Diane Clary and Christine Smith. Members of the group not shown are Janette Borland, Cathy Donat, Jeanne Rudolph and Kathy Thompson; photo by Jim Morris

Joe Giammarino Ten SaddleBrooke women, calling themselves “The Sharkettes,” meet weekly for play on the two pool tables in the HOA 1 Starter Shack. The women generally play Eight Ball. The pool facility has seen increased use in the last two years. In December, January and February women and men with cues in hand logged…

Spanish Culture Club news

The Spanish Culture Club (SCC) of SaddleBrooke is a culture club, not a language club. It is composed of a group of social and intellectually curious Brookers that seek to expand their knowledge of Latin culture within the Old Pueblo and beyond. This is accomplished through monthly meetings that include speakers and tapas buffets, twice-monthly…

Blue Barracudas VS Golden Gators A Chomping Good Swim Meet

Phil Simpson Barracudas and alligators – should ever the twain meet? Not likely. Except in the DesertView Pool where on March 11, blessed with a warm and sunny Saturday morning, the Blue Barracudas and the Golden Gators engaged in a watery, sharp-toothed battle over bragging rights among members of the SaddleBrooke Swim Club. This high…

Donations needed

Sr. Jose Women’s Shelter located in the “homeless corridor” in Tucson has a need for the following: adult clothes, twin sheets, blankets (any size), towels and personal care items such as shampoo, shower gel, lotions (regular or travel size) and feminine products. Men’s clothing will also be accepted and donated where needed. The clothing should…

Coin Club celebrates

Ken Marich The SaddleBrooke Coin Club will celebrate National Coin Week on Saturday, April 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Sonoran Room in the MountainView Clubhouse; free admission. The theme for National Coin Week is Conflict and Courage: Money and the Military. 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the U.S. involvement in…

How does Your Garden Grow?

Louise Grabell Spring has sprung and hopefully your garden has as well. There is so much to attend to if you are a gardener. Just like the seasons, there are phases for gardening and if you are well-organized (don’t look at me!) you have already completed some important gardening chores. You may have even added…

SaddleBrooke Lady Niners enjoy an eventful March

SaddleBrooke Lady Niners at Invitational are Joyce Sutay, Sue Averill, Harriett Rosenberg, Christine Smith, Pat Dale and Margery Nemura

Barbara Johnson The SaddleBrooke Lady Niners truly took advantage of the beautiful spring weather this past month with some exciting and enjoyable events. First off, we held our annual Club Championship on March 7, 9 and 14. The ladies played all three courses to determine the Low Gross winner of the three days and after…

What a Small World!

How many times have you said, “It sure is a small world”? Another perfect example of that fact relates to our own Golden Goose. During recent holiday travel and a flight delay in Chicago, some waiting passengers were talking. One lady looked at another and said, “You know, I think I recognize you. Where do…