Category: Features

What Do Dragonflies Eat?

Stuart Watkins These beautiful predators are large, aggressive insect hunters and are to be feared. They can hover and turn in tiny spaces. It is reported that adults can fly up to 30 miles per hour, while most average 10 miles per hour. Some Native American tribes respected them as symbols of a good harvest.…

Spotlight in SaddleBrooke: Jenni Long

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg Sometimes a person comes into your life, and you think to yourself, “Oh my gosh! He/she is so talented!” And then you become acquainted with the person and you are amazed about how modest the person is. In fact, the person is, sort of, matter-of-fact about his/her accomplishments. Well, this describes…

2 Your Health: Emotional Maturity and Emotional Blindness

Dr. Rose Bricker Emotional maturity, or sometimes called emotional intelligence, are terms that we may hear today when chatting with our friends, families, and co-workers about relationships. But what do those two terms even mean? Some Characteristics of an Emotionally Mature Person • They are realistic and accept reality on its terms and make the…

The Health Benefits of Humor

Suzanne Marlatt Stewart Getting older is something we all must face, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! One of the best ways to handle the changes and challenges that come with aging is through humor. Funny sayings about getting older can make us laugh at ourselves and see the lighter side of life.…

Cooks Out of the Kitchen: Local Restaurant Reviews

Judi Friedman and Jerry Lankin We’re two SaddleBrooke foodies forever seeking great places to eat! We’ll review two restaurants each month for taste and presentation, service, price, value, and ambiance. If you have a favorite eatery and would like to spread the word, please send us an email at Agustín Kitchen Mercado San Agustín,…

In Passing – March 2025

Douglas Reynolds McGeorge After a long battle with cancer, Douglas Reynolds McGeorge passed away on Feb. 1, 2025, at home surrounded by his family. Doug was born in Batavia, N.Y., on July 28, 1940, son to Donald and Mary McGeorge. In his younger years his family relocated frequently due to his father’s career. He graduated…