Category: Clubs & Classes

SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild – March 2025

Art Sampler Class Set for March 29 Jenni Long Calling all beginning or exploring artists! The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is pleased to announce another opportunity to take part in its next Art Sampler class on Saturday, March 29, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Topaz Room in the Arts & Crafts Center…

SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club – March 2025

Move, Bond, Thrive—Health and Friendship at SBDC Tom Marshall Mary and Tom Borkovec began taking dance lessons at the YMCA when they lived in State College, Pa. Why did they take dance lessons? Tom’s quick response is, “Mary loves to dance, and I love Mary.” When they retired and settled in SaddleBrooke, they took Latin…

When Tragedy Strikes, Rotary Strikes Back

Barbara Barr Bengen, Assistant Governor, Rotary District 5500 When the horrific fires ravaged Southern California, the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke and the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club (SSRC) combined forces to help those in need. Many of the residents in the SaddleBrooke communities lived in those areas and have friends and family who have been directly…

2025 Chess Tournament

Stuart Watkins Blame Greg Hlusko for suggesting the 2025 Chess Tournament, because 10 members of the SaddleBrooke Chess Club agreed. Now everyone plays everyone twice; once with the white pieces and once with the black pieces. Greg is the outgoing president of the club, and the new president is Bruce Arid. Both are skilled in…

Self-Defense Expert Speaks to the SaddleBrooke Ranch Veterans Club

Larry Ingram Lisa Golembiewski, account executive with Delta Defense and service provider for the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, provided the members of the Veterans Club with information on constitutional concealed carry and self-defense. She answered questions such as “When can I use force?” “Should I shoot?” and “How to identify a public threat.” She provided…

SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary – March 2025

SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Welcomes New Member Bob Lamar Christianne Dettmann The SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club proudly welcomed new member Bob Lamar on Jan. 16. Bob, his lovely wife, and their West Highland terrier settled in SaddleBrooke Ranch back in 2015. Bob is no stranger to Rotary service, having been involved previously with the Rotary Club…

Democratic Club Elects New Officers

Peter Bakke The SaddleBrooke Democratic Club (SBDC) Nominating Committee has worked diligently to assemble the new club slate for the following two years. Voting took place at the meeting on March 11. The March meeting also featured Cathy Sigmon, a 28-year resident of Arizona. She is a co-founder of several organizations: Civic Engagement Beyond Voting…