Category: March 2017

State Parties

Montana The annual Montana Party is planned for Saturday, April 1, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. in the HOA1 Activities Center. Cost is $5 per person. Main course is pulled pork sandwiches which will be prepared by the planning committee. Each couple or single is asked to bring a salad, vegetable or dessert. The party is…

SaddleBrooke Line Dane Club

2017 Board Members (left to right) Judy, Shirley, Diana, Terri, Lynne

Lynne Kumza and Shirley Miller We are board, but NOT bored. On a Beautiful Day, we’re Better When We’re Dancing because there is a lot of Action. Our Busy Feet love doing a Crazy Foot Mambo after we Flip On The Lights and invite everyone to Come Dance With Me. We are always ready to Give It A Go with…

English Country dancing

Follow the leader in a lilting walk and have a sense of humor.

Britt O’Grady If you’re watching Victoria on PBS you might get inspired to try English Country Dancing. Some dances make you feel like you’re right in that Victorian era, acting properly and always paying respect to the Queen. For many folks our age, it gets harder and harder to learn new things but we’ve found that all…

Recycle 101

Pam Boedeker Jill Burris, Public Sector Representative for Waste Management, was the speaker at the February meeting of SaddleBrooke Nature Club. She is the third generation in her family to have an interest and career in waste management. Her grandfather and father both had careers involving the ever-evolving efforts to collect and process waste. Jill…

Time to celebrate 19 years

The new board from left: Opal Larkin, vice president, Doris Dieterle, treasurer, Sharon Scanlan, president, Georgeann Becker Member-at-Large, Mary Barrios, secretary

Carol Thompson SaddleBrooke’s PaperCrafters celebrated their nineteenth year as a viable club here in our community. Kris Holmes, one of our founding members, was on hand at our January 11 meeting as she encouraged us along to our next 19 years! Also voted in was our 2017 Board. They are Opal Larkin, vice president, Doris…

Gardeners Exchange

The Gardeners Exchange of SaddleBrooke Ranch welcomes Jan Shrader to speak on Echinopsis on Wednesday, March 15 at 1:00 p.m. at La Hacienda Club. Echinopsis is a cold-hardy cactus from South America, with an extraordinary trumpet flower, perfect for growing in the micro-climates of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch. For years horticulturalists have been hybridizing the…