Category: February 2017

Time to practice Tai Chi

Carol Emerson Tai Chi is an ancient system of exercise that originated in the Taoist temples of China over 2000 years ago. The monks of the temples developed Tai Chi as a way to keep themselves physically fit while spending many hours in meditation and also as a means (they hoped) to obtain longevity, even…

Rumba dance classes in the evening

Stan and Jane Gromelski want to share their dance skills.

Jane Gromelski American style Rumba is a slow Latin dance. Its pattern is slow, quick, quick; done in a box form. That’s pretty dry. It is actually a fun, easy to learn dance. It is one of my favorites. We use it at both Ballroom and Western dances. The music’s beat tells you how to…

SaddleBrooke Skygazers

Photo by Adam Block

SkyGazers Astronomy Club presents…Planet 9 Rita Fletcher Want a breath of fresh air from the news on planet earth? Enjoy learning about the latest goings on in our solar system: Renu Malhotra, LPL, a hotshot in her field, will astound you with information. She is a Professor of Planetary Sciences at the University of Arizona,…

Line dance lessons with Rebecca

Line Dance with Rebecca Level 1 dancers are getting accustomed to new time and place this winter. This happy group is really enjoying seeing themselves in the mirror but they greatly miss the Mt. Lemon view. The best news--no more cancellations for banquet/election conflicts.

Dr. Mark Magdanz All three of Rebecca’s dancing Levels began the winter season a couple weeks ago. If you have never line danced with Rebecca, fun, laughter and fitness are all prime ingredients in her classes. Health and fitness wise: two keys to lifelong fun are participation and learning. Find something that challenges your brain…

Freethinkers February meeting Citizens United

Jo Ann Ellison

Barbara Starrett Citizens United will be the topic for the upcoming Freethinkers’ Meeting on Sunday, February 26, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. (with coffee social at 9:30 a.m.) at the MountainView Ballroom. Jo Ann Ellison, JD will present the issues in the Citizens United vs. The Federal Elections Commission case. This case involves the regulation of…

Elks Lodge offers scholarships

Pat Cox Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge No. 2815 is currently accepting applications for its student scholarship program. Scholarships are valued at a minimum of $500. The deadline for submission is March 1, 2017. Applicants must be United States citizens whose primary residence, or the primary residence of their parents or grandparents, is in the greater…