Category: Features

Word of the Month: Quincunx

David Zapatka While reading The Labours of Hercules by Alice A. Bailey, in my book-reading group, I ran across the familiar word “quincunx” and had to reach back in my memory to recall where I had been exposed to this word before. Quincunx noun quin·​cunx | ˈkwin-ˌkəŋ(k)s 1. an arrangement of five objects with four at the…

Construction Has Commenced for Eight More Pickleball Courts

Raymond H. Goettsch On Dec. 9, the SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) began the construction of eight more pickleball courts off Ridgeview Blvd. next to the existing six courts built in 2012. The long-awaited construction was initiated by the celebratory shoveling of dirt. Everyone present had the opportunity to be part of the process by taking…

U.S. Military History: Some U.S. Navy History

Ross Dunfee Prior to the American Revolution, the colonies had no naval forces, but did have a large maritime population and many merchant vessels employed in domestic and foreign trade. That merchant service was familiar not only with the sea but also with warfare. On Oct. 13, 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the first Navy.…

SaddleBrooke Sit Down A Woman for All Seasons: Shawne Cryderman

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg Her name is as familiar to SaddleBrooke residents as the name Neil Simon is to Broadway. However, her self-effacing personality negates such comparisons. But, frankly speaking, Shawne is a talent to behold. To explain how this multi-talented person, chiefly known for producing and directing productions here in SaddleBrooke, came into the…

2 Your Health

Self-Care: Everyone Is Telling You to Do It, but Why? Heidi Overman, LMT #MT-24997 Self-care: What do they mean, and why does everyone tell me I need it? All I hear about is self-care and how important it is, but do you even know what they are talking about and why everyone is constantly talking…

Diana Madaras Paints the Saguaro

Diana Madaras Paints the Saguaro will be at Madaras Gallery from Jan. 1 to 31. Madaras is known for her colorful depictions of the Sonoran Desert landscape. In this collection of saguaro “portraits,” Diana captures the animated spirit of Tucson’s favorite native cactus. Madaras Gallery is located at 3035 N. Swan in Tucson; the phone number is…

“How I Married Michele” by Resident Gary Gildner

Rebecca Sharpe Author Gary Gildner, who now lives in SaddleBrooke, has added How I Married Michele, a collection of personal essays, to his biography. Recipient of the National Magazine Award for Fiction, the Robert Frost Fellowship, plus many other prizes in fiction, poetry, and memoir, Gildner has gathered together 15 essays published over three decades…

Feline Authors Embark on Exciting Water Adventure

Carly and Charly After the successful launch of the Adventures of Carly and Charly series with How It All Began, we have taken it to the next level with a boating adventure. Yep, cats out on the water. Who would have guessed? In Let’s Go Boating, we hit the docks in full gear with life jackets, shades,…

Big Blood Drive for 2022

Thank you to all our donors of 2021. You made all our drives a huge success. The Red Cross has noticed how generous the SaddleBrooke residents are and has decided to open our next drive to more donors. It will be on Jan. 29 and will have a whopping 81 slots to fill. It will…

Spotlight On Advertiser: Who Would Have Thought…

Absolutely Art Gallery & Gifts opened on Nov. 1, 2017, in Catalina. Pam Gappa (owner and artist) was asked, “After operating your gallery for over four years, complete this sentence: ‘Who would have thought…’” Her reply was, “a dream could end up bringing so many people so much pleasure.” We have the work of over…