Sandy McNabb Our next Shabbat service is Friday, Jan. 31, 2020, at 7 p.m. in the MountainView Country Club (MVCC) Ballroom West. Our services are led by Rabbi Sandy Seltzer and Cantorial Soloist Sarah Bollt, accompanied by Chris Tackett. Sharing Shabbat is a wonderful way to welcome the peace of Shabbat as a community. Oneg…
Category: Religion
Religion, January 2020
CCSB Welcomes New Members

Carol Thompson Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) welcomed new members recently. CCSB is a Christ-centered Church with the mission to glorify God by becoming a community of grace where people receive, live and share the love of Jesus Christ. Join us every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. in the DesertView Theatre. All are welcome.
Religion, January 2020
Operation Christmas Child

Carol Thompson Once again, Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB), packaged almost 250 Christmas gift boxes for children around the world. This ministry is a yearly collaboration with Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham. School supplies, games, stuffed animals, and toys were packed into shoeboxes for girls and boys – ages ranging from 2-years to 14-years-old. Included…
Religion, January 2020
Resurrection Lutheran Men’s Breakfast Group Goes Back to School

Duane Hartzler We welcomed Chris Justesen, Director of Resurrection’s Child Development Center as a guest speaker for our Dec. 7 monthly men’s breakfast. Breakfast Committee Chair Al Toensing opened the breakfast and Ken Shepard gave the invocation. The scrumptious breakfast was prepared by Roseanne and Don Thurmond and Fran Venet. Program Chair for the month, Gary…