Category: Features

SaddleBrooke Super Hiker Art Priestly

Bob Simpson Art Priestly and his wife, Carole, moved to SaddleBrooke in 1994. Having taken up hiking in 1977, Art was already a seasoned hiker when he and two other local residents soon began making annual trips to Colorado to climb high mountain peaks. By 1995, Priestly (age 63) had already bagged 27 mountains, Bob…

In Passing

Sharon Weihl Buckmaster Sharon W. Buckmaster, SaddleBrooke, AZ resident, passed away Nov. 29. Sharon was born in Marietta Ohio to Selden and Audrey Weihl. She married Alan Buckmaster and moved to Michigan. She worked as a Veterans Hospital volunteer and lived in Michigan – Dearborn Heights and Greenbush on Lake Huron. She moved to SaddleBrooke…

2 Your Health: The Neck and Headache Connection

Dr. Craig Brue Patients with headaches commonly complain of neck pain that starts at the back of the head and radiates from the upper neck into the forehead area. The headache is often one-sided. The term “cervico-genic headache” means that this type of headache originates because of irritated nerves in the upper neck region. There…

Thank You, Friends

Thank you to all who made the Golden Goose Thrift Shop’s fourth “Estate Quality Event” such a huge success! Thanks to our generous donors, our loyal customers and our stellar volunteers, we were able to generate significant revenue for the local charitable programs that we support! We were able to bring in many “first-time” Golden…

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Louise Grabell What do gardeners do in January? Speaking only for myself, gardening is never finished. Maybe that’s because I don’t hire anyone to take care of my estate. Truth be told, I’ve been secretly harboring the notion that at my age, maybe I need some help. But here’s my problem: no one can take…

This I Have Learned: A Time for a Change!

Billie Jo (B.J.) Murray, standing in front of their golf cart.

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg It’s a new year, new decade, and a new you! Are you thinking about turning a new leaf or changing your habits? Many people take the beginning of a new year to make changes in their lifestyle. However, not everyone waits until January to do so. Billie Jo (B.J.) Murray had…

Resident Author

James P. O’Brien Most of SaddleBrooke’s residents are retired, but here is a book to pass on to family and friends, It’s Monday Morning: “There Are People in My Office Working…and I’m Not One of Them” (Realities of Retirement). Jim O’Brien, SaddleBrooke resident, has just completed a 2nd edition of this “how to” book on…