Catalinas Community Chorus
Donna Langwig
On Sunday, April 2, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. the community will be treated to an entertaining program of musical favorites. The concert will take place at Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church, 3001 E. Miravista Lane in Catalina (on the west side of Oracle Road, 3.7 miles north of Tangerine).
Music has been an integral part of American heritage. From bluegrass to classical, the roots of America’s love affair with music run deep. In this program, we will share some of the ways that America’s unique approach to musical greatness have contributed to the music that America loves to sing and play and hum and whistle. Come and be a part of this creative and unique presentation.
The 50 member all volunteer Catalinas Community Chorus, led by Artistic Director Bill Bellah, is now in its eleventh season. The mission of the chorus includes bringing the beauty and inspiration of excellent choral music to the community. They sing a variety of musical styles, including Broadway, jazz, spirituals, pop and classical and their performances are filled with fun, flair and great enthusiasm.
Altogether this promises to be an afternoon of pure enjoyment. You’ll be tapping your toes and humming along. Please come and invite your family and friends to join you. Tickets are $10 each and available by calling 520-303-6474 at Vista on Sunday or at the door on concert day.