Pictured (left to right) are Col. Tom Owens, Col. William Wojciechowski, and Capt. Chuck Vaughan. (Photo by Lt. j.g. David Bull)
Lt. j.g. David R. Bull, USNR, Former
On Dec. 15 members of the Catalina Mountains Chapter (CMC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) attended the Tucson Chapter’s annual Christmas Dinner at the Tucson Country Club.
The Tucson Girls Chorus Hummingbirds provided the entertainment. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of MOAA’s Leadership Award to retired Col. William Wojciechowski, USAF, who has stepped down as President of the Tucson Chapter of MOAA after many years of service. Presenting this award was retired Capt. Chuck Vaughan, USN, who was joined by the current Tucson Chapter President retired Col. Tom Owens, USAFR.
The Military Officers Association of America is a nonprofit veterans association dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and preserving the earned entitlements of members of the uniformed services and their families and survivors.
The Catalina Mountains Chapter is a nonprofit veteran’s organization whose membership encompasses Northwest Tucson, including Catalina, Oracle, parts of Oro Valley and Marana, SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch, San Manuel, and Sun City. For additional information about CMC, contact Chapter President retired Capt. Chuck Vaughan, USN, or visit our website catalinamountainsmoaa.org. For those interested in joining MOAA, contact Membership Chairman/2nd VP former Lt. j.g. David Bull, USNR, at maybull23@aol.com.