Left to right: Riley Johnson, Alane Asp (Catalina Mountain Elks Exalted Ruler), Cory Tompkins, Trent Oland, Nathan Hernandez, Sydney Enos, and Roger Mastro (Scholarship Chair, Elks Lodge 2815)
Jim Beregi
The Catalina Mountain Elks awarded five $2,000 Arizona Elks Association scholarships to graduating students at our May Youth Week Awards. The scholarships go to:
Riley Johnson, who is attending the University of Arizona with an undeclared major.
Cory Tompkins, who is attending Northern Arizona University with a major in environmental and sustainability studies.
Trent Oland, who is attending the University of Arizona with a major in optical science and engineering.
Nathan Hernandez, who is attending Arizona State University with a major in aerospace engineering.
Sydney Enos, who is attending the University of Arizona Honors College with a major in engineering.