
Linda Rosenkrans

In a world of whimsy and wonder, he struts and sways,

A man of mystery and mischief, dressed in hues of laughter,

Stilts tapping the earth like a secret code only he can decode.

His jester’s cap, adorned with bells that sing

A song of whimsical chaos and hidden truths,

His painted smile never revealing the depths of his soul.

Each step a precarious dance, a tightrope act

Balancing between reality and fantasy,

As he teeters on the open expanse of the carnival grounds.

In the carnival’s kaleidoscope of colors,

He is but a solitary figure, a riddle unsolved

A mirror reflecting the masks we all wear.

Is he the fool or the sage, the trickster or the truth-teller?

A conundrum wrapped in silk and satin,

A puzzle waiting to be unraveled by those brave enough to look.

For beneath the jester’s facade lies a man

With secrets buried deep within the chambers of his heart,

Longing for connection in a world he views from above.

So as he strides on his stilts, a solitary figure in a sea of faces,

Remember that we are all performers on life’s grand stage,

Balancing between truth and illusion, between the known and the unknown.