Tucson Barbershop Xperience
Don Bott
Last month SaddleBrooke’s Canada del Oro Barbershop Chorus (CDOBC) had their first joint rehearsal with the Tucson Barbershop Xperience (TBX) at their Jewish Community Center rehearsal site. It was really terrific – these two choruses singing together created a beautiful sound for you to experience at our Friday, December 9 Holiday Harmony Celebration, It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas. It will be staged at the DesertView Performing Arts Center (DVPAC) at 7:30 p.m. You won’t want to miss it!
The two chorus directors are extraordinarily talented and inspiring. CDPBC Director Nancy Bergman is recognized internationally as being an arranger, director and coach with five decades of experience with Sweet Adeline and Barbershop groups. Growing up in Iowa, she has a special affinity to the music of Meredith Wilson, composer of our title song. TBX Director Danny Ryan, a fairly young man, has earned a reputation as an exceptional musician and he brings out the best in each singer. He began barbershopping at age 11 under the direction of his dad and excels in the craft. It was a fine experience to sing under his direction; the sound was wonderful. Danny not only directs TBX on Monday nights but is also the director of the acclaimed Spirit of Phoenix Chorus on Tuesday evenings. With Nancy and Danny we singers know we are being directed by the best.
Also note that our show will feature the wonderful entertaining quartet MS CELLANEOUS. I’ll write about these very talented ladies next month. FYI, reserved seat tickets are $23 and can be purchased at the HOA 2 Admin Ticket Office (825-2818) or at www.dvpac.net. Lastly we are always looking for men who like to sing. We meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday nights in the DVPAC Mariposa Room. Drop in—join us!