Where Can You Go To Get Help With Your Computer?

Our February Users Group meeting highlighted a frustration we have all endured at some time or another-“Help! My computer has a problem!”

When that happens, who can you turn to for help? The club invited local area computer and software repair companies to make a brief presentation about their backgrounds and expertise and what types of services they offer. Of course, if you don’t live near any of these companies, who are you going to go to for help? There will most probably be multiple companies in your local area that can fix your computer. However, make sure to contact a professional before trying to repair your computer yourself as this can sometimes make the problem worse. Be sure the company you use is reliable and trustworthy too.

The companies that attended this event are all trustworthy and reputable brands. Four companies responded to our invitation. They are as follows:

* Terry Stager, Oracle Computer Solutions, 520-896-9011

* Apex Computer Solutions, 520-389-8199

* Monty Kugler, Monty’s PC Solutions, 520-820-2241

* Ed Murphy, 520-825-2553

These companies are provided for your reference only. SaddleBrooke Computer Club does not recommend any specific company or person for computer repair or support services.