Three-dimensional flowers incorporated into an art quilt (CA Small).
Varda Main
Are you a fiber artist or someone who has always longed to dive into fiber arts? If so, then this new group is the place for you. The SaddleBrooke Fiber Arts Club is a new sub-group of the Friday Quilters. The purpose of the group is to explore all things fiber. Fiber can be many things; fabric, thread, cord, wire or pine needles are just some examples. And those explorations will include learning new techniques, using new materials and doing it all in an out-of-the box manner.
The Fiber Arts Group meets monthly. At each meeting one or more members will demo a technique and provide examples on how that technique can be used in different projects. It’s a great way for a person to try out a technique without having to spend a lot of time and money on instructions, teachers and supplies. There will be a challenge every two to three months to incorporate the recently demoed techniques into a project. Everyone then brings in their completed challenge pieces for a great reveal. It’s always amazing how differently each person interprets the challenge. Everyone leaves so inspired by these reveals.
The group held its first meeting in November. The following techniques have been demoed to date: 1) triaxial weaving, a way to take folded strips of fabric, weave them in three directions and end up with a sturdy piece of fabric; 2) fabric origami, turning circles of fabric into perfect hexagons (by just finger pressing) and 3) making unique cording using yarn and sewing thread. In January the group explored incorporating zentangles into fiber projects.
Other techniques that are planned for demos in 2019 include: threadpainting, fabric marking with tjaps, gelli printing on fabric, using Shiva PaintStiks, adding dimension and creating in 3-D, fabric manipulation, incorporating beading into projects, surface design on fabric, painting with string, creating fabric from yarn and incorporating digitally altered photos into projects. The Fiber Arts Club hopes to reveal some of its completed challenges to you at the 2020 SaddleBrooke Quilt Show.
Who might want to join a fiber arts group? Quilters, painters, sewers, knitters, beaders, needleworkers, basket makers, wire-wrappers to name a few. Why would, say, a knitter, want to join a fiber arts group rather than (or more likely in addition to) a knitter’s group? To play around with incorporating other fiber arts into their knitting. To discover ways to expand their knitting vocabulary. To meet and create with like-minded artisans who want to continually learn new things and push the boundaries of their crafts. Sound like fun? Please visit and see for yourself.
The Fiber Arts Club meets monthly on the third Friday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Arts & Crafts Studio 4. For more information please contact Carol Ann Small at [email protected], 520-400-8370 or Varda Main at [email protected], 585-750-7578.