Bill Lewin
All HOA 2 homeowners are invited to apply for candidacy for the office of Board Vice President. If you decide to accept the challenge, contact Bill Lewin, email, telephone 818-3158. The deadline to commit for VP candidacy is October 3, 2014. The newly elected vice president will serve a two year term starting January 1, 2015. The sitting Senior Vice President completes his term on December 31, 2014.
The current HOA 2 Board of Directors consists of the president, appointed by RCI, a senior vice president, two vice presidents and one RCI representative who will resign upon transition; the Board will then be the sole governing body of HOA 2.
HOA 2 is a self-governing community consisting of 2,802 homes as of mid-year 2014. We generate millions of dollars in revenues and expenditures annually. Our community is similar to a small municipality.
With transition on the horizon, there is a possibility that the new VP will be in office at that time. The transition process will offer new and exciting challenges to current and future board members. We rely on the integrity and expertise of the Board of Directors to govern, update and establish effective maintenance for our changing lifestyles, and as an added bonus, peak performance will keep our resale values on the rise.