Broaden your dance horizons

The Let’s Dance Club and the SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club (SBDC) are committed to the practice of ballroom dancing. Because many of the classes scheduled for the 2016/17 year already have a waiting list we offer this list of dance studios in the Tucson area. Many of them offer group classes and introductory classes at very reasonable rates. You don’t need to wait to begin learning ballroom dancing or advancing your dance skills. Maybe give a gift certificate for dance lessons this holiday season. This list is not meant to be all inclusive. It is in order, north (nearest SaddleBrooke) to south.

Alan Daughbaugh at the Music and Dance Academy, 7954 N. Oracle, 256-7233

Mystic Rhythms Ballroom, 8035 N. Oracle, 395-2464

American Dance, 6336 N. Oracle, 329-5639

Shall We Dance, 4010 E. Grant, 327-7895

Studio West, 6061 E. Broadway, 747-9464

You can easily practice your dancing skills right here in SaddleBrooke. The two clubs offer dinner dances once a month October through April; informal dances Wednesday afternoon; Saturday late morning and Sunday afternoons. Members of the clubs range from experienced dancers to those who have never danced before. We welcome new members all during the year.

The Let’s Dance Club offers classes taught by amateur, but accomplished, members of the club. The 2016/17 schedule of classes is available by emailing a request to The lineup includes Rumba, Fox Trot, Waltz, Samba, West Coast Swing, Salsa, Latin Hustle, West Coast Swing and an Introduction to Fusion Dancing.

The two clubs have a combined membership fee of $10 per person per year. Membership gives you access to the activities of both clubs. Updated information is available on our Facebook page – Let’s Dance Club of SaddleBrooke.