Bridge for fun — one of the oldest games in town

Ruth Birkhead

Some twenty years ago residents of SaddleBrooke met to form a group to play party Bridge. Every Friday afternoon the group met on the dance floor of SaddleBrooke Clubhouse. The game moved to the Activity Center when its renovations were complete. That game is still running today and there are a couple of people playing today who formed the original group.

We invite anyone who is looking for a relaxing game of Bridge with friendly, helpful people to join us. All levels are welcome. We meet from 12:40 to about 3:45 p.m. on Friday afternoons. We change partners every six hands (which sometimes leads to great hilarity) so you do not need to bring a partner.

The signup sheet for each week is in the SaddleBrooke One Library. You are asked to sign up by noon on Wednesdays. If you have to cancel after that time we ask you to provide a substitute. The cost to play is $1. The scoring is Rubber Bridge. Top scores win cash prizes. Email Ruth Birkhead at if you need more information.

We hope you will join us and keep this old game going strong!