B’nai Midbar Events

Melanie Einbund

On May 15, we took a trip to the Tucson Jewish Museum, which we explored with a docent. Tucson Jewish history was the topic. The museum is the location of the first Jewish temple in the Southwest and the Holocaust Center. It was an adventure of education and noshing—what fun!

Shavuot is a time to honor the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai from G-d to Moses. Modern day celebrations include discussion, education, and dairy foods. Come and join us on June 11. There will be tables for discussion and one dedicated to the Story of Ruth, Judaism’s first convert. Cheesecake, lemonade, iced tea, and water will be available. We are asking for volunteers to lead conversations and others to provide cheesecake and beverages. Let Melanie Einbund ([email protected]) know if you are coming.

A Meet and Greet! Set your calendar for Aug. 25 to visit with our new Rabbi Danny. There will be conversation, food, and stories to share! More information will be shared during the summer.

Israel Week at ‘The J’; located at 3800 E. River Road in Tucson. Call 520-365-4187 for more information.

We got a new name and badges too! Recently board members received new badges showing our new name, ‘B’nai Midbar,’ and their name as well. If you would like a badge, please contact Seth Eisner at [email protected]. The cost is $18.


When I came to SaddleBrooke I brought a tradition of giving attendees at Rosh Hashanah morning services a honey cake. Honey cakes symbolize a sweet and happy New Year. Over 80 honey cakes were baked by our members and given to the congregation this past Rosh Hashanah.

This is an opportunity for a member of our congregation to become the Honey Cake Baker coordinator. No baking, just coordinating. Please contact me if interested at [email protected]. I do hope that a person comes forward so we can keep this tradition going.

Have Something to Share?

Personally: I began writing articles on a monthly basis for our congregation in January 2021. It is a privilege and one that I enjoy doing. But I am not the only voice of this congregation. If you have information, a story, or just a snippet you would like to share, please contact me, Melanie Einbund, at [email protected]. I welcome your thoughts.

B’nai Midbar is a welcoming congregation. If you have questions or wish to join our congregation, please feel free to contact Esta Goldstein at 520825-1181 for information.
