Blue Barracudas; photo by Rodger Bivens

Golden Gators; photo by Rodger Bivens
Phil Simpson
Barracudas and alligators – should ever the twain meet? Not likely. Except in the DesertView Pool where on March 11, blessed with a warm and sunny Saturday morning, the Blue Barracudas and the Golden Gators engaged in a watery, sharp-toothed battle over bragging rights among members of the SaddleBrooke Swim Club.
This high energy event marked the second annual Intrasquad Meet where close to 60 members of the club went fin to fin as Cudas and Gators, the latter sporting one-of-a-kind Golden Gator swim caps in a match the sole objective of which was to have fun and enjoy the special camaraderie shared among these athletes. And the reward? A club-funded, pool-side pizza party.
The meet was ably organized by Steve Roberts, a veteran swim club leader, and was carried off with military precision as the Blue Cudas were captained by Carl Marriott and the Golden Gators by Rodger Bivens, U.S. Army veterans and graduates of West Point. The meet featured 20 individual events, 10 women’s and 10 men’s and two mixed relays. Throughout the proceedings the competition rocked back and forth in a nip and tuck affair. As bespeaks a total team effort, points were awarded for all six places in each event. The 200 yard mixed medley and mixed freestyle relays were particularly high spirited as seasoned swimmers teamed with club newcomers, some competing in their first SaddleBrooke meet. Among those new members were Leslie Kurywchak, Gail Goede, Carol Honeywell, Debi Truesdale, Bonnie Buntain, John McKniff, Theresa Ashton and Linda Merritt. And in a special highlight of the morning, several swimmers who graduated just the previous day from Coach Lyn Moreno’s Let’s Swim Clinic, competed in a 25 yard freestyle race. Among those were Terry Caldwell, Alan Stein, Lynn Vieth, Kathy Schneider and Susan Bodine.
When the churning DesertView waters had calmed, to no one’s surprise, the Cudas and Gators had wrestled to a dead heat. Most importantly, in short order, Nancy Springer our favorite pizza delivery girl returned from Dominos and the swimmers and volunteers enjoyed a well-earned repast of pizza and member-provided salads.
Adding especially to our day’s enjoyment, we were joined for the meet and the pizza party by former club president Doctor Steve Proffitt and his wife Rebecca. Steve and Rebecca are long-time benefactors of the club and it was a real treat to have them with us. Once again coaches, club members, spouses and friends pitched in to ensure a successful event. Coach Doug Springer assisted by Coach Jay Selnick took the lead in running the meet. Bill Ton, aided by Lyn Moreno’s sound equipment, again served as meet announcer. Joan Pierce was instrumental in the meet administration and Allison Lehman again assumed her social committee chairman’s role. And a number of volunteers served as timers and “cat herders.” Thanks to all.
Is a rematch in order? Most likely! See you next year.