Baby Shower for SaddleBrooke Troop Support

Baby items donated for SaddleBrooke Troop Support

Baby items donated for SaddleBrooke Troop Support

Beth Bradford

The residents of SaddleBrooke are generous with their time, talents and donations. SaddleBrooke Troop Support has been a beneficiary of their generosity and this has helped our troops and their families.

Saturday, February 11, the Villas 2 of SaddleBrooke held a baby shower along with a Valentine Brunch and collected many baby outfits, towels, lotions, teethers, rattles, receiving quilts, hats and booties, books and cash donations. Beth Bradford, the Baby Layette chairwoman for SaddleBrooke Troop Support, collected the items and will place them in baskets for military mothers with financial needs who are expecting a baby. Each basket will contain outfits (for 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months, one size each), a book, lotion, blanket, rattle and other items, with each basket holding $125 worth of items for qualifying families. A letter will be included telling the families of our gratitude and with thanks for their sacrifice for our country.

Anyone who wishes to donate to this wonderful cause, or host a baby shower, may contact me at or 818-0971. Items can be dropped off at my home, 61873 E. Oakwood Drive.

It warms my heart to live in a country so generous and thankful to our men and women in uniform. There is still much to do for them.