Auditions! Rehearsals! Performances!

Andrea Molberg

Wonderful activities are returning to SaddleBrooke, including six November nights of live theatre by SaddleBrooke’s Community Circle Players (CCP). It’s official! Finally, SaddleBrooke TWO has been able to give CCP the go ahead for its long-awaited, Covid-postponed production An Evening of One Acts. CCP co-founder, Shawne Cryderman, said, “I can’t tell you how happy I am that we can finally get back on stage!”

Five CCP directors, including co-founder Susan Sterling, Carol Merlini, David Fuller, Tim Morsani (coordinating director), and Connie Ward are chomping at the bit to get under way with auditions, rehearsals, and performances. Mark your calendars because the community is in store for great entertainment filled with laughter and poignancy. Ranch residents are invited to audition and participate in all CCP productions!

The production, a series of one acts that range in length from four to 20 minutes, is sure to delight. What can audiences expect? Mummies, a married couple in a theatre trying to decide during intermission whether to leave the play and maybe each other, a dog named Faro, jumbled conversations like you might find in a retirement community, a member of the Ku Klux Klan, spouses in a laundry mishap, and much more.

Performance dates are Monday through Wednesday, Nov. 8, 9, and 10 plus Friday through Sunday, Nov. 12, 13, and 14. (In honor of Veterans Day, there will be no show on the evening of Nov. 11.)

Auditions for the production of eight vignettes will be held Monday, Sept. 13 and Tuesday, Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in MountainView Ballroom West. With some of the roles being extremely small (just a few lines) and others more elaborate, this is the perfect opportunity for novice performers, along with seasoned ones, to get involved and have fun. Performers are welcome to be part of one or more of the show’s acts. Questions? Contact producer Shawne Cryderman at or Susan Sterling at

Rehearsals will be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from Sept. 20 through Oct. 28, with tech week Nov. 1 through 5.

You’ve heard the buzz and seen the photos. During the pandemic, SaddleBrooke’s theatre troupe has been busy cataloging costumes and props, plus upgrading the stage, curtains, and lighting in the MountainView Ballroom with proceeds from their highly popular past productions. Now the polished setting can be put to good use.

The show is going on!