Paul Vincent
The SaddleBrooke Israel Friendship Club (SIFC) will hold a very special gathering at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 5, in the MountainView West Ballroom. Guest speaker will be the popular David L. Graizbord, Associate Professor of Judaic Studies at the University of Arizona. He returns to continue his presentation of The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Historical and Thematic Overview.
This will be Dr. Graizbord’s second appearance for the SIFC. Last year he spoke here before a standing room only, nondenominational crowd. He held the audience spellbound with his non-polemic and entertaining presentation that deepened our understanding of the various factors that helped to form modern Israel. This year he promises to review where he left off last time before moving into greater detail surrounding the present-day challenges of this long-standing conflict. You’ll want to come early to get a good seat for this remarkable speaker!
Dr. Graizbord is not only a sought-after speaker, but a writer, researcher and teacher as well. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear an in-depth and balanced overview of what is one of the world’s most emotionally-charged topics today. There is no charge to attend.
SIFC is an education and advocacy group open to SaddleBrooke residents of all faiths and political orientations. The club’s recent fall meeting focused on the incredible itinerary for an upcoming trip to Israel this November. People of all faiths from the SaddleBrooke community are signing up for what promises to be the adventure of a lifetime, organized by Tucson’s Weintraub Israel Center. For more information, please contact Seth Basker at