Anticipation is high for the 8th annual Robson Trap Trials


Susan Knox Wilson

Trap squads from around the state are practicing hard and getting in shape for the eighth annual Robson Trap Trials to be held Friday, March 23, at Casa Grande Trap and Skeet Club. The 2017 champions from PebbleCreek are aiming to win the trophy again, but competition is fierce and the 2018 PebbleCreek team will face more challengers than ever before.

Rumors are swirling that the team from Sun Lakes not only includes their top shooters, but they’re boasting that they have every chance to finally take home the coveted Robson Trap Trials trophy. Over at Quail Creek, Roger Fendt and his squad (winners of the trophy in 2016) have every intention of recapturing the honor of being the best trap team in all of the Arizona Robson communities.

Meanwhile, shooters from SaddleBrooke have been practicing every spare minute with the intent of bringing the trophy home to “where it truly belongs,” claimed one of the club’s ace shooters who asked to remain anonymous. As of this newspaper deadline there was no word from SunBird, but we suspect Bruce Engle is working undercover to pull together a winning, dark horse team.

All shooters, experienced and novice, are encouraged to enjoy the fun and camaraderie of this prestigious and unique event. Last year, shooters from six Robson communities participated: PebbleCreek, Quail Creek, Robson Ranch, SaddleBrooke, SunBird and Sun Lakes. Don’t miss your chance to meet and get to know shooters from other communities as well as your own.

The Robson Trap Trials consists of three rounds of trap shooting, followed by lunch in the Robson Ranch Ballroom, along with awards, door prizes, and a cash bar. Coffee, donuts and sign-in starts at 9:00 a.m. The shoot starts at 10:00 a.m. The cost is $65 for shooters and $25 for lunch for non-shooters.

Find directions to Casa Grande Trap and Skeet at: For further information and registration contact Bill Wagner,, or call 623-476-2638.