Future All-Stars had a ball at the SaddleBrooke Softball Field; photo by Jim Smith
Jim Smith
The SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association (SSSA) sponsored its annual Thanksgiving Grandkids’ Games on Friday, November 25 at the Softball Complex. Games Director Steve Garceau was assisted by Coaches Pat Tiefenbach, Doug Sweetland, Roy Steigers, Mark Schauer, John McKniff, Janice and Terry Mihora, Jim Westerberg, Gus Marano, Ron Quarantino and photographer Jim Smith.
Twenty-two grandkids participated, ranging in age from Olivia Evans, Liam and Ashton Henry (four) to Jackson Stout (18). Others participating in the games were Hunter and Dalton Dillon, Faith and Kiera Bivens, Elijah Venetiou, Caleigh Moreland, Hallie and Rylynn Shipley, Grady, Harper and Victoria Flynn; Ryder Henry; Kee and Tobin Plomp; Brayden and Bryce Delange, Conner Moreland and Jamie Stout.
The younger grandkids were divided into several groups with some kids receiving instruction on throwing, catching and base running while another group hit softballs either off a tee at home plate or were pitched to by Roy Steigers or Doug Sweetland. For many of the younger kids it was their first experience hitting a softball and running the bases. After each grandchild had an opportunity to work out at each station, kids, parents, grandparents and coaches gathered in center field for group pictures. Following the center field activities, the kids (and some parents and grandparents) enjoyed ice cream, courtesy of SaddleBrooke Community Church. To close out the event the two teenagers as well as several of the parents and grandparents took a turn at bat.
Photos from the event will soon be available on the softball website, www.saddlebrookesoftball.com. Anyone interested in playing in the SaddleBrooke Senior Softball League should contact current president Stu Kraft at [email protected]; come out to the field to see a game or join us in one of our practice sessions.