Kathleen Carter
Laurence Edralin
The speaker for the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club meeting on April 3 will be Kathleen Carter. She will be presenting “Ancestry DNA: New Methods to Maximize Your Research.”
Kathleen is a genealogist, researcher, and presenter. She is also a subcontractor for probate and heir research. Her work has helped her find birth parents for a number of adoptees.
Kathleen is the 2024-26 co-chair of the DAR Arizona Volunteer Genealogists Committee. She is also on the board of the Forensic Genealogy SIG for the Association of Professional Genealogists. She has attended a number of institutes and is on the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) Committee.
Previously, she was the editor of the Pima County Genealogy Society’s newsletter, their DNA-SIG co-coordinator, and led their Genetic Genealogy in Practice study group for two years.
Kathleen has conducted on-site research at libraries, archives, and cemeteries across the U.S. She has also organized several reunions and is an experienced event planner.
The Genealogy Club normally meets on the first Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Coyote Room at the SaddleBrooke One club facility. Club dues are $15 and run on a calendar-year basis. Speakers are booked with topics focusing on genealogy and research methods. Visit the website sites.google.com/view/saddlebrookeAZgenealogyclub for the latest information on club activities and speakers.