August meeting presentation by Carl Foster, KB7AZ
Ed Larsen, KI6R
The SaddleBrooke Amateur Radio Club held a meeting on Aug. 16 that was attended by 20 people. Bob Perez, KA2REZ, of SaddleBrooke One Unit 14 was elected club secretary. The recently created club bylaws were approved by the membership. The meeting program was given by Carl Foster, KB7AZ, on stealth antennas and was most interesting. Carl presented many different antenna concepts that utilized camouflage, paint color, and design to minimize and hide appearance.
The next meeting was on Sept. 13 in the Sonoran conference room of the SaddleBrooke TWO MountainView clubhouse. The meeting program was a video of the U.S. Navy Lualualei Antenna Farm in Oahu, Hawaii.
The Radio Club continues to grow and currently has 60 members. The club and meetings are open to everyone, so join us if you’d like to find out more about amateur “ham” radio.
Meeting dates and times can be seen at the SaddleBrooke One or TWO clubs/groups pages or at sites.google.com/view/saddlebrookearc.