The cast of Eat, Drink and Be Deadly! has been hard at work since November rehearsing for shows this month. The dinner theater mystery will be presented at two SaddleBrooke venues and provide proceeds to both HOAs; photo by Steve Weiss.
Karen Schickedanz
Better hurry if you want to be part of the fun at SaddleBrooke’s first ever dinner theatre production! Tickets went on sale last month for Eat, Drink and Be Deadly! — and they’re almost gone even though extra performances have been added at both HOA 1 and HOA 2.
The whodunit will be presented by SaddleBrooke’s new acting group, Community Circle Players. All performances in HOA 1’s Vistas Dining Room February 26 and 27 and an extra one on February 28 are completely sold out. Performances at HOA 2’s MountainView Ballroom are sold out on February 19 and 20 but as of mid-January, tickets were available for an added performance on Tuesday, February 21.
Tickets for the February 21 performance at MountainView can be purchased at HOA 2’s administrative office. All forms of payment are accepted and tables can accommodate up to 10 people. The $49 per person ticket price includes a full meal along with the play, which will begin at 6:00 p.m. Doors will open with a no-host bar at 5:00 p.m. (HOA 1 accepts only credit cards or house accounts for bar purchases.)
Eat, Drink and Be Deadly is being directed by Shawne Cryderman and co-produced by Shawne and Susan Sterling. “The evening should be a lot of fun for everyone,” they said. “Besides just sitting back and enjoying the show, guests will even have a chance to guess the outcome of the mystery and win prizes.” There also will be a raffle of two murals created by Eve Fly of Walls of Wonder for use as set pieces (see accompanying article).
The cast includes Ron Andrea as Sawyer Sauvignon, Fran Berman as Charlotte Chardonnay, Judi Brauns as Marla Merlot, Casey Domalewski as Felicity Fruitfellow, Ed Drager as both Mayor Magnum and Nathan Nosefull, David Fuller as Zeb Zinfandel, Patty Gregory-Burke as Priscilla Port, Don Guillette as Granville Grapevine, Ron Kari as Pierre Pinot Noir, Fred Lowy as Rutger Riesling, Karen Moore as Sarah Syrah, Tim Morsani as Curt Cabernet, Connie Ward as Pinky Zinfandel, John Wright as both Dr. Chris Cocktail and Ken Chianti and Susan Sterling as the MC.
The production crew includes Skip Brauns (sound), Arlene Guillette (costumes), Marjorie Herrmann (props), Alex Infald (lighting/sound), Andrea Molberg and Karen Schickedanz (publicity), Eve Fly and Cash Striplin (sets) and Steve Weiss (photography).