Socrates at SaddleBrooke March Forum Will Investigate the Concept of Utopia

Tom Marshall

On a recent trip, a friend wound up on a long layover in Dubai, so he took a tour of what may be called a modern-day utopia—gleaming skyscrapers; wide, clean boulevards; thousands of well-stocked stores; and what his guide reported as very little crime and very high employment. His next stop was Madagascar where he saw the worst poverty he’d ever witnessed—children and adults walking barefoot on unpaved roads; tin-roofed houses; old, battered trucks and buses; and what this guide reported as high mortality from dysentery and malaria—a dismal dystopia.

This huge disparity got my friend thinking: Do we need God now more than ever to answer the overwhelming question: Why?

Come and join us when Socrates at SaddleBrooke investigates the concept of utopia on Tuesday, March 4, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the DesertView Theatre. Dr. Stuart Orr and other participants will immerse themselves in this topic in order to properly frame the questions, while not rushing to provide all the answers.

As in recent forums, participants will be invited to ask questions and to offer comments and even join us for dinner afterwards to continue the discussion. Don’t forget to put Tuesday, March 4, on your calendar. All are welcome. For more information, go to our website at To contact us or to reserve your place, email Dick Hardy at rhardy1234@aol or call 440-773-1065.