Relishing Pickleball: Teaching Pickleball to Your Relatives

David Zapatka

With the holidays behind us, there has been quite a bit of talk about how to introduce relatives to pickleball, the game we discovered and love. The debate about how best to do this centers around two concepts. The first is to begin teaching new players how to serve. The second is to start new players at the kitchen line teaching them how to dink.

Consider starting with the serve. This is how a game starts. It makes sense to start teaching with the serve also.

Hitting serves gives new players a feel for the paddle, the ball, and the speed and power to get the ball over the net. It helps to hit the ball with a full swing and have a target (the service box) to hit into. They can practice hitting the ball hard and soft as ways to get the ball over the net and into the box. Hit lob serves. Hit drive serves. Practice simply getting it into the service box. This is a good first step.

Should you teach a volley serve or a drop serve? Show both serves. Let them try each. Explain it like this:

Volley Serve

* The serve pattern is similar to bowling. Most people have bowled and can relate to this analogy. In both sports, the arm comes back and the body moves forward in an upward motion. Follow through just like bowling.

* The paddle head must be below the waist when it strikes the ball.

* The paddle head must be below the wrist when it strikes the ball.

* The position of the server’s feet must be inside an extension of the sideline and behind the baseline when the ball is struck.

* Another analogy you may use is tennis, as many people have tennis knowledge. The serve must be from the deuce-to-deuce side or the ad-to-ad side of the court. This means the serve must always be hit into the service box diagonal from where the server is standing.

* Three of the lines defining the service box are in play but the non-volley zone line is out of play. Make it clear the ball must land beyond the non-volley zone line.

* Demonstrate the volley serve and have your new player try it.

Drop Serve

* The ball can be dropped from any height.

* The ball must be hit after it bounces once.

* No force or spin can be imparted on the dropped ball.

* Hold the ball palm down and open the fingers to release the ball.

* Foot placement is the same as the volley serve.

* Demonstrate the drop serve and have your new player try it.

Once your new player is gaining some confidence, you can move forward with other parts of the game.

Have a question about pickleball? Want to know more about the sport, the rules, equipment, or have some pickilicious news you would like to share with our pickleball community? Email David Zapatka at