A Perspective on Love

Suzanne Marlatt Stewart

Is the word “love” a noun, or is it a verb? My thought is that love is an action word, which can be shown in many ways. An example that comes to mind is our pets. Many of us have dogs, and what better way is unconditional love demonstrated than our pet. In Unity, there are three statements that we say every week: “Love Only, Forgive Everything, Remember Who You Are.” In these times, this is easier said than done. There is so much division, blame, fear—the list is endless. We are constantly bombarded with what’s wrong rather than concentrating on what’s right.

Following are a few thoughts to consider:

Cherish each moment. Within all circumstances, no matter how it may appear, focus on the positive. As you love right now, you can extract the maximum amount of joy from your life, since happiness can only be experienced in the moment.

Love is an everlasting energy that can never dissipate. Be grateful for the affection that you share with every relationship—it is sacred and a lasting gift.

Treat yourself with love and respect. Do something nice for yourself. Remember, love yourself unconditionally first, for only then can you demonstrate love to another.

Savor the sweetness of life. Simply notice the fine details of humor, playfulness, and love. Find the richness in each interaction and experience that you have.

Enjoy a sense of belonging. You belong on this earth because you have a life purpose that the world needs. You are a unique, loving individual, just as all beings are, and deep down you share a lot in common with others.

Enjoy some quiet time. Allow your body and mind to unwind and relax. Turn off the television, the radio, and your cell phone. Love quieting your mind and enjoy the sweet sound of tranquility.

Know that everything has always worked out. Every episode of your life has helped you become stronger, wiser, and more patient. Your current situation is an opportunity to bring more love into your world. In the meantime, inhale deeply, and on the exhale, let go.

To shift gears beyond love for ourselves, our family, and friends, romantic love, and our pets, think broader. Love for nature, this beautiful planet. Love for our country, the freedom you enjoy. Also, love for mankind. There is so much to be thankful for right now.

I want to share a quote from Rev. Dr. Jonathan Zens, minister at Unity of Tucson: “Love not because you want anything in return, but simply because you can love. In fact, it is your natural state of being. Imagine what would happen if we all decided to place all our daily focus on love rather than anything else. That is a world-changing consciousness. So, give in to your natural state. Try it out for a while and see what happens. Simply LOVE.”

Rev. Suzanne, a resident of SaddleBrooke, is an independent writer and speaker. She was ordained non-denominational, representing all faiths, and her focus is “inclusive.” Email: spiritualoccasions@outlook.com