Resident Author News

Linda J. Sentivanac

In December I published my second novel, My Father’s Bride. It is available for purchase on Amazon in eBook and paperback formats. You can also contact me by email at for direct purchase (I will have a limited number of paperback copies available at a reduced price).

Here’s a brief overview of what to expect when reading the story: Kathy’s trust is shattered when her father Walt makes a surprise announcement that could destroy the family she treasures. Can she rescue her father from the clutches of the controlling, manipulative woman who has bewitched him? And if he does come back, how will she ever forgive him?

Margie, his wife, endures the entire cycle of grief, starting with anger and denial. Learning to survive on her own, she inspires her daughter Kathy to gain acceptance and forgiveness as well.

For Walt, protecting his family, redeeming his character, and recapturing his pride are on the table. Can he escape the woman’s spell and win back the love and respect of his family? Long-buried family secrets may be exposed if he fails.

My first novel, The Christmas Puppy, is also available in both formats on Amazon, with paperback copies available from me as well.

I want to thank the members of my critique group here at the Ranch for their invaluable input and support: Corrine Glesne, Fran Kirkham, John Floyd, and Tony de la Torre, along with past members Tom Sims and Barb Miller.