What Can We Count On Anymore?

Kathy Sinnott

At the time of this writing, the outcome of the 2024 presidential election is unknown. What is the future of our nation? The angst of this uncertainty has many folks asking the question, ‘who and what can we count on anymore?’ An answer can be found within the Rockin’ 4 Heroes’ mission: we honor and support the men and women who selflessly protect us.

No matter the election outcome, our first responders and military will continue to protect and serve their communities, states, and country. These hero groups consist of men and women with a dedication to serving others and protecting our freedoms secured by those who came before. Look to any veteran who served our country; look to any Gold Star family who lost a loved one; and, consider the firefighters, police officers, and other first responders who walk into harm’s way to serve and protect.

Rockin’ 4 Heroes pays tribute to these heroes, not just at our annual concert, but year-round with our Hero Fund. Our new initiatives serve to increase engagement with our heroes and raise public awareness of our mission. We invite you to attend the 4th annual Rockin’ 4 Heroes concert on Nov. 10 in Oro Valley, engage with our social media platforms, and follow us as we expand our reach to impact our heroes … these public servants are the people we can always count on to be there for us. Please visit our website at rockin4heroes.org.