Senior Softball News

Silver City Champs: SaddleBrooke Rattlers

King Mitchell (aka Mitch)

Well, SaddleBrooke Senior Softball fans and friends, here it is Aug. 26 and SaddleBrooke Progress deadline time. So, let’s talk softball!

Labor Day Tournament

That’s right! On Sept. 2 the SSSA put on a softball extravaganza with three games of softball “dramedy.” There was plenty of softball and, oh yeah, food, drinks, tunes, and insightful commentary. The event was sponsored by Debra Miller with State Farm Insurance with the dogs and brats grilled up by longtime grillmaster Doug Wagers of Window Wizards. Boy, howdy!

Summer League Action

Alrighty then. The Summer league started up on July 15 and is now in full “swing”! A full complement of leagues, from Recreational to Competitive, are on slate.

On Mondays in Recreational, Ambient Air Heating & Cooling is out to a 5-1 start, with Coyote Golf Cars in the cellar at 1-5. Might be a “talent readjustment” (trade) in the works. Then in Community (AAA ball), The Moore Advantage Realtors are 3-3 and tied with Tucson Orthopaedic, also at 3-3.

On to Tuesdays in Community, Twin Lake Air Conditioning and Heating is out to a 4-2 start over Waste Management’s 2-4. In Competitive (AAAA), Andy’s Irrigation is 3-3, as is Tom Ottaway-State Farm.

World Champions 75+: Ed Clark, Paul Auster, and Len Gann (photo by Mark Hojnaki)

On Wednesdays, it’s Sidewinder only this summer, and Wanda Fudge-Long Realty is 3-3, while their partner in softball mayhem, Wildfire Wings, is also 3-3.

On Thursdays, it’s Coyote only, and the 65-plussers have Window Wizards at 4-2 and X-Pert Automotive at 2-4.

On to TGI Fridays! Although most of the time I can’t tell Monday from Friday anymore. In Competitive, Splendido is 3-2, with Your CBD store bringing up the rear at 2-3. But CBD has taken the last two games, so they’re on the move! It’s early though, folks! Then in Community ball, Ann Fraley-Long Realty jumped out to win the first three games but dropped two in a row and are now 3-2, while Beyond Clean is 2-3.

Softball “Tourism”

Some folks around the Brooke are known to travel a bit as part of their retirement “gig.” Road trips, cruises, hiking, and, yes, softball tournaments. Yup, some of our members are just plain softball junkies, and part of their retirement travel plans include softball tournaments. In fact, Lost Wages (Las Vegas) hosts (or did in 2023) the World Series of Softball. A number of our members play in “outside” tournaments year round, with their “tournament team” traveling regionally but also throughout the country. If you win enough games, the World Series is in your sight.

Silver City, N.M., August 2024, The Lew Huartson Senior Softball Tournament

That’s right, a group of SaddleBrooke softball junkies, traveling under the name the SaddleBrooke Rattlers, went to Silver City for a three-day tournament and brought home the gold, going 5-1 in their six games to take down the championship in their division. This tournament had four divisions (ABCD), with A the highest skilled and mostly, per my source, team honcho Debbie Seguin, 50+-year-olds. The Rattlers B division was mostly 55+ and some 60-plussers.

Per Debbie, the Rattlers were 3-1 “going into bracket,” whatever that means, and nailed their last two games, including beating the team they lost to in prelims for the championship 23 to 22! The crafty coach loaded up on speed and cited this as one of the keys late in the championship game.

Well, that’s it, softball fans. You can always come down to the field and check the softball action Monday through Friday (and the junkies are usually down practicing on Saturdays as well). Or you can surf us for information, standings, and stats at