Last call for Berlin Goes Barbershop

Canada del Oro Barbershop Chorus

Canada del Oro Barbershop Chorus

Don Bott

Tickets for the Berlin Goes Barbershop show are going, going and at the time that this is written, should soon be hopefully sold out and gone. The Wednesday, March 18 DesertView Performing Arts Center (DVPAC) show is an event for lovers of great American music and one that is truly a treat. The evening’s program will be chock full of Irving Berlin’s songs. We’ll learn how so much of his music was related to his life’s experiences, from the time he grew up on New York’s lower east side to when he was honored in Carnegie Hall on his 100th birthday. The March 18 show is a very special celebration.

Performing in the show are SaddleBrooke’s Canada del Oro Barbershop Chorus directed by Nancy Bergman, the Regional Sweet Adelines Champion Quartet ConTempo and the nationally acclaimed Chandler High School Men’s Chorus directed by Lori Lyford. You should also know that in watching both Ms. Bergman and Ms. Lyford direct, all those in DVPAC hall will see two extraordinary musicians leading their charges and inspiring the singers to perform with a purity and quality of tonal harmony which far exceeds the expectations of the individuals involved. And you will also see the joy that these men, old and young, have in performing this great music. It’s fun.

Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at the MountainView HOA 2 ticket office (825-2818) or online at

Note that show time is 7:00 p.m., 30 minutes earlier than the normal DVPAC curtain time; we wanted to get our singing lads back to Chandler at a decent hour. Please, please come celebrate with us. It will be an uplifting and very delightful show.